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Hammond Index






Hammond Power Solutions Transformers

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, Three  Phase

To Order Hammond Transformers Call Us Toll Free: 1-800-843-6036

hammond power solutions general purpose distriburion trasnformers

hammond power solutions hps sentinel 600 volt class energy efficient general purpose distribution transformers single & three phase aluminum and copper wound transformer

For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

208 Delta Primary Volts             208Y/120 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015BBCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030BBC $2,119.16
45 NMK045BBC $2,747.21
75 NMK075BBC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112BBC $4,765.95
150 NMK150BBC $6,209.34
225 NMK225BBC $8,355.54
300 NMK300BBC $11,596.94
500 NMK500BBC $20,873.20
750 NMK750BBC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

208 Delta Primary Volts             408Y/277 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015BKCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030BKC $2,119.16
45 NMK045BKC $2,747.21
75 NMK075BKC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112BKC $4,765.95
150 NMK150BKC $6,209.34
225 NMK225BKC $8,355.54
300 NMK300BKC $11,596.94
500 NMK500BKC $20,873.20
750 NMK750BKC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

240 Delta Primary Volts             208Y/120 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015DBCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030DBC $2,119.16
45 NMK045DBC $2,747.21
75 NMK075DBC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112DBC $4,765.95
150 NMK150DBC $6,209.34
225 NMK225DBC $8,355.54
300 NMK300DBC $11,596.94
500 NMK500DBC $20,873.20
750 NMK750DBC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

240 Delta Primary Volts             480Y/277 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015DKCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030DKC $2,119.16
45 NMK045DKC $2,747.21
75 NMK075DKC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112DKC $4,765.95
150 NMK150DKC $6,209.34
225 NMK225DKC $8,355.54
300 NMK300DKC $11,596.94
500 NMK500DKC $20,873.20
750 NMK750DKC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

480 Delta Primary Volts             208Y/120 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015KBCN $1,433.42
30 NMK030KBCN $1,765.81
45 NMK045KBC $2,289.34
75 NMK075KBC $3,071.91
112.5 NMK112KBC $3,971.27
150 NMK150KBC $5,173.98
225 NMK225KBC $6,962.72
300 NMK300KBC $9,663.64
500 NMK500KBC $17,393.98
750 NMK750KBC $24,998.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

480 Delta Primary Volts             240 Delta/120 CT  Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015KDCN $1,433.42
30 NMK030KDCN $1,765.81
45 NMK045KDC $2,289.34
75 NMK075KDC $3,071.91
112.5 NMK112KDC $3,971.27
150 NMK150KDC $5,173.98
225 NMK225KDC $6,962.72
300 NMK300KDC $9,663.64
500 NMK500KDC $17,393.98
750 NMK750KDC $24,998.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

480 Delta Primary Volts             480Y/277 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015KKCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030KKCN $2,119.16
45 NMK045KKC $2,747.21
75 NMK075KKC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112KKC $4,765.95
150 NMK150KKC $6,209.34
225 NMK225KKC $8,355.54
300 NMK300KKC $11,596.94
500 NMK500KKC $20,873.20
750 NMK750KKC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

600 Delta Primary Volts             208Y/120 Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015PBCN $1,433.42
30 NMK030PBCN $1,765.81
45 NMK045PBC $2,289.34
75 NMK075PBC $3,071.91
112.5 NMK112PBC $3,971.27
150 NMK150PBC $5,173.98
225 NMK225PBC $6,962.72
300 NMK300PBC $9,663.64
500 NMK500PBC $17,393.98
750 NMK750PBC $24,998.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

600 Delta Primary Volts           240 Delta  Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015PDCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030PDC $2,119.16
45 NMK045PDC $2,747.21
75 NMK075PDC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112PDC $4,765.95
150 NMK150PDC $6,209.34
225 NMK225PDC $8,355.54
300 NMK300PDC $11,596.94
500 NMK500PDC $20,873.20
750 NMK750PDC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.


For Pricing for more than 1-Unit : Email or Call us

Copper  Wound          Three Phase

600 Delta Primary Volts           480/277  Secondary Volts                          60Hz

kVA Catalog Number Web Price Each / Qty: 1
15 NMK015PKCN $1,720.39
30 NMK030PKCN $2,119.16
45 NMK045PKC $2,747.21
75 NMK075PKC $3,686.44
112.5 NMK112PKC $4,765.95
150 NMK150PKC $6,209.34
225 NMK225PKC $8,355.54
300 NMK300PKC $11,596.94
500 NMK500PKC $20,873.20
750 NMK750PKC $29,959.18

 600Volt Class Energy Efficient General Purpose Distribution Transformers

Copper Wound, THREE Phase

For Shielded Units, please replace the suffix "C" with "K" on the above part numbers.

HPS Sentinel: 600 Volt Class Energy Efficient

General Purpose Distribution Transformers

General Purpose Distribution Transformers Aluminum Wound Single Phase

General Purpose Distribution Transformers Copper Wound Single Phase

General Purpose Distribution Transformer THREE PHASE Aluminum Wound

General Purpose Distribution Transformer THREE PHASE Copper Wound

HPS SuperSentinel: 600 Volt Class "Super" Energy Efficient

General Purpose Distribution Transformers

General Purpose Distribution Transformers Aluminum Wound Single Phase

General Purpose Distribution Transformers Copper Wound Single Phase

General Purpose Distribution Transformers Aluminum Wound Three Phase

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Hammond Index

Prices Subject to Change without Notice. 

Not Responsible for Errors in Print.

Inventory Subject to Prior Sale.

Product Design and Specifications subject to change without notice

Pictures may not represent actual product.



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